Set-up Job Alerts - careers.selkirk.ca

Set-up Job Alerts - careers.selkirk.ca


Using Job Alerts will let you know when a job posting has been uploaded to the Selkirk College Careers site that may interest you, you will receive an email.

  1. Click on “Job Alerts” on the top menu.

  2. A new window will open. Select “New Job Alert”.

  3. Options will appear allowing you to set up your Job Alert.

  4. Under the Location list, click the box next to all the locations you are interested in.

  5. To select all options for each listing, click each categories box that says “Any”.

  6. Under the ‘Department’ list, click the box next to all the departments you are interested in.

  7. Under the ‘Sub Department’ list, click the box next to all the departments you are interested in.

  8. Create an ‘Alert Name’ for your Job Alert by typing it in the empty box.

  9. Choose the ‘Frequency’ that you wish to receive your Job Alerts by selecting an option from the drop-down arrow.

  10. Choose how long you would like to keep the Job Alert active. Click on the box labelled ‘Keep Active for’ and a drop-down will appear. Select one of the options.

  11. Click on “Save” to activate your Job Alert.

  12. Your newly created Job Alert will now show under the Job Alert list. You may create multiple job alerts if needed.

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