Navigating the Moodle Site(s)
Holly Steenvoorden
There are several ways to move around in your course(s). There is no single 'right way'; it is a matter of personal preference. There are three navigation bars available:
White Static Navigation Bar
Displayed at the top of your screen, from left to right: Navigation Drawer Icon, Selkirk Logo, Name of Course, Gear Icon to access Course Dashboard.
The "White Static Navigation Bar", located at the far right of your screen, contains icons for the notification menu, notifications for messages, your name, and a dropdown menu with access to the Dashboard, Profile, Grades, Messages and Preferences.
The Breadcrumb bar is located in the header, directly beneath the course title, shows the 'path' you have taken.
Example: "Assignment #1" is where you currently are. To move back to the main 'Learn' page, click on "Learn". This is faster than repeatedly clicking on the browser 'back' arrow.
Left Side Bar Navigation:
Navigation is controlled by the Drawer icon () in the top left corner of your screen.
Clicking on it will either hide or display links to:
- Information on the site you are currently in (i.e. participants, grades (if the instructor has activated this tool).
- Home, Dashboard, My courses, Private files.
- Home - the page you see when you first login.
- Dashboard - a list of all courses you are enrolled in. This view can be filtered and customized by you.
- Calendar - shows all current Moodle activity dates for one or all courses you are enrolled in.
- Private Files - serves a similar purpose as a Jump Drive
- My courses - links for all the courses you are currently enrolled in.
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