Recruiting Online

Recruiting Online

Building your team – including hiring well and for the right positions – is one of the most important roles of a supervisor.

Having the right people, doing the right work, is essential for the success of the college. Recruitment of new employees and promotion of existing employees into new positions, requires a significant investment of time and effort.

Every recruitment process must be conducted in a careful and informed manner. This information is intended for Hiring Managers, and is also relevant to anyone sitting on a Hiring/Selection Committee.


Posting in U4R

Post as you would in U4R, using the step-by-step guides (Unit4 Recruit Guides). Be specific in your posting description of the dates you want your posting ‘Live’ and taken down. Email careers@selkirk.ca if you are posting an urgent position. If not urgent, please give a week minimum for approving postings.

Note:  All Postings need to be approved by the Executive Director of HR.

Postings Visibility

Once approved, the posting will be live on the career site at http://careers.selkirk.ca and ready to receive applications. Additionally, HR will email the new posting(s) to our Postings Email Group. However, for the time being, we will not be physically posting on our internal bulletin boards.

Internal/External postings will be on MySelkirkSelkirk.caWorkBC, and the bulletin boards. Additional advertising may be considered. 


For the time being, all interviews will be conducted remotely via BlueJeans, Zoom or Skype.  For detailed instructions on setting up interviews, please see: Unit4 Recruit Guides.

Setting up Interviews: When creating your interview schedule in U4R, please make a note either in the comment or location section thatAll interviews will be held remotely via web conferencing.

Interview Packages: Hiring Managers must determine interview questions in advance of interviews, and the same set of questions must be used for each candidate for a given position. For assistance in writing interview questions, please email careers@selkirk.ca.  HR will create your interview packages as PDF documents that will be emailed to you and your Hiring Committee prior to your interviews.

Interview Questions: Each Hiring Committee member must complete their set of candidate interview questions by taking notes on each candidates’ responses. This can be done either on their computer; or if handwritten is easier, print, write your notes and then scan them back to careers@selkirk.ca following the interview.


Before HR can make an offer, hiring managers must complete and return the following to HR@selkirk.ca:

Note:  Employment contracts require two signatures: one from the hiring manager, and one from the hiring manager’s supervisor. Create a Fillable PDF Signature and enter into the fillable PDFs; email signatures will also be accepted.

Upon receiving the required documentation, the HR team will prepare an offer letter, and the Executive Director of Human Resources will extend the offer to the successful candidate via telephone. After the verbal offer, the HR team will email the candidate their offer letter (cc’ing the Hiring Manager), and await acceptance.

Depending on the circumstance, either HR or the Hiring manager will send regrets to unsuccessful candidates.


After an offer letter has been accepted, the Hiring Manager must complete the balance of relevant employment contract forms and submit to HR@selkirk.ca.  Fillable PDF’s of the following forms can be found on MySelkirk at https://my.selkirk.ca/staff/dept/hr/hiring/.

Note:  Fillable TEC’s aren’t numbered; HR will manually assign TEC numbers as they are approved.





Contract and Salary Change Forms

Welcome Resources

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