Submitting An Absence Request - Multiple Positions (Unit4)

The following steps outline how to submit a leave request in Unit4 when you hold Multiple Positions.  All employees will use this module to submit requests for any type of planned leave from their regular working hours (i.e. Vacation).

  1. Login to Unit4.

  2. Under “My Employment” > “Start Pages”, click on "Absences".


  3. Click on “Absence Request” to start a new request.

    Note: This landing page will also show you the available balances that you can draw down.

  4. Complete all sections:
    1. Select the type of request you would like to submit under the “Reason” drop-down.

    2. Choose the date range that you are requesting by selecting “First Day” and “Last Day
    3. Select the position that is affected - Use All Positions to apply the absence to multiple positions.


      Each position holds its own balance, so you MUST submit an absence request for EACH position that you hold to cover the entire request. By only selecting one (of multiple positions) you will effectively be requesting less than your actual workload. 

    4. Indicate whether you are requesting a full or partial day:
      1. Yes = a full day of vacation
      2. No = a partial day (you will be asked to identify # hours requested)

        If selecting "No":

  5. Double check that the correct request is submitted by:
    1. viewing the "Summary" section


      When selecting "Full Day", for two or more part time positions, the summary will display the sum of hours requested multiplied by the number of positions (i.e. 1 day = 7 hrs, 2 days absence from 2 part time positions  = 14 hours).  Don't worry! These balances do not transfer directly to your Payroll.  Rather, Payroll runs a report to cross reference against the actual FTE of each position and applies that value of actual hours to your payroll and balances. 


    2. AND viewing the “New Absence Request” on the adjacent calendar.

  6. If you are ready to submit, click “Send for Approval” button at the bottom of the page when you are finished.

    Note: Alternatively, you can select “Save as draft” to save and revisit this request at a later date, before submitting to your manager/ supervisor.

  7. You will receive notice of approved/rejected requests through notification button (i.e. bell icon) on the home screen.

  8. To view all requests in their different stages (i.e. "Draft", "In progress", "Approved"), return to the "Absences" landing page.