How to Adjust Your Unit4 Timesheet
Coralee Furiak
Amy Walters
Kate Dergousoff
About this guide:
This guide is for employees and time keepers who are already comfortable* filling in and submitting their timesheets. Therefore, these instructions assume you already know your way around the timesheet screen.
*If you are still not thoroughly familiar with timesheet submissions in Unit4, you may simply send your timesheet adjustments via email to However, once you are comfortable with Unit4, please use this guide to adjust your timesheet.
Scenario 1: You have sent your timesheet for approval, but your supervisor has not approved it yet.
- Go to your timesheets and open the current period.
*Note: The upper right says “Done” because you have submitted for approval already, but your supervisor may not have approved yet!
If it has not been approved, you will see “Awaiting approval” in the timesheet itself.
Ensure you let your supervisor know that you have to make a change and not to approve yet. You can notify your supervisor by email or other established communication method.
You can now click on any of the work task lines to edit the hours, add new work tasks, delete work tasks, and resubmit for approval.
2. Select the line you want to edit, make changes, or delete, and then just click submit for approval.
Above: editing regular hours to be 7.
Below: Deleting a line. *Once deleted, a strike-through line will appear across the entry.
Note: The “Save as Draft” button will no longer be visible, as your timesheet has already been submitted. If you make a mistake, simply close your timesheet, and re-open. No changes will be saved, until you submit it again for approval.
3. Once you have made all your desired edits, click “Send for Approval”, and let your supervisor know you are done making the adjustment.
Scenario 2: Your Timesheet has been approved, but not transferred to payroll
- Go to your timesheets and click “open current period”.
- If your timesheet has been approved, but it has not been transferred to payroll, your timesheet will have the following features:
- The status in the upper right corner says “Completed”,
- You can click on the entered work tasks, but you will not be able to edit the hours.
- The “Add a Work Task” button, will still be accessible.
*Note: Before proceeding with an adjustment, you should communicate with your supervisor to let them know you will be submitting an adjustment to the approved timesheet.
The key difference between scenario 1 and scenario 2 is, you will no longer be able to edit the lines that you already submitted for approval, because now they are approved! However, you will be able to ADD new work tasks, and submit those for approval too.