Approving PCard Transactions - Supervisor (Unit4)

Approving PCard Transactions - Supervisor (Unit4)

  1. As a Work Order manager, PCARD transactions will come to you for approval after a PCARD statement has been submitted by an employee. 
  2. A notification will appear in the Task Management drop down when a PCARD statement is ready for approval.

3. As a work order manager, you can approve or reject the statement.  The workflow log will show on the right hand side of the screen with all the activity from that statement. 

The expense lines will show under expenses.  You will need to review these expenses to ensure they are valid purchase card purchases.

4. If approved, the PCARD statement will be completed and ready for review by Finance.


Some PCARD statements will have multiple work orders on the different expenses lines.  Some lines may appear greyed out.  This means they have a different work order that you are not in charge of.  As a work order manager you will be able to see all the lines that were submitted in a statement, but will only have authority to edit, approve and reject the expense lines with your work order. 

5. If rejected, the PCARD will flow back to the employee to correct.  Once the employee resubmits, the PCARD statement will flow back through workflow to be approved by the work order manager again. 

6. Once a statement has been fully approved, it will be posted by Finance.  


Late Submissions

If an employee has not submitted a PCARD statement by the deadline, the finance team will post the PCARD with the default work orders.  These expenses will not be changed after being submitted.  Failure to submit PCARD statements on time could result in termination of the PCARD.  

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