Assignments - Grading Method - Rubric

In This Article:

What is a Rubric, and Why Would I Choose to Use It?

Definition: A rubric is a tool that teachers use to assess many different types of assignments including written work, projects, speeches, and more. The teacher creates a set of criteria, a narrative to explain that criteria, and a point value associated with that criteria. Rubrics are an excellent way to grade assignments that can often lead to subjective grading. When rubrics are given to the students before they complete their work, they have a better understanding of how they will be assessed. For important assignments, multiple teachers can grade a student's work using the same rubric and then those grades can be averaged.

Source:    Secondary Education

September 2012

BCIT also has a very good article: Creating a Rubric

Using a Rubric in a Moodle Assignment

  1. In the "Grading Method" field, select "Rubric" from the drop down menu.

  2. Choose "Save and display" to set up the rubric.

Setting up the Rubric

There are two options:

  1. Define new grading form from scratch
    1. For a new rubric click "Define new grading form from scratch".
    2. Name:  Should include the assignment name (i.e.  Chocolate Chip Cookie Rubric)
    3. Description:  Include information on how the rubric will be used (i.e. Baked Product (Chocolate Chip Cookies)
  2. Create new grading form from a template (i.e. If you have previously set up a rubric in this course and want to revise it for a new rubric).


IMPORTANT:  You must have a '0' point level for the rubric to calculate correctly OR use the Rubric Option (Calculate grade based on the minimum achievable grade for the rubric (ensure there is a check mark in this field)).

Think about the scoring if you do not have a zero value -  by default you are then assigning marks for students not achieving even the minimum criteria.  For example if one of the criteria was a Title page, and the student did not submit it, then by default you must assign a mark of 1 for that criteria.

  • "Click to edit criterion": The elements that you are assessing.  In this case: Number of chocolate chips
  • "Click to edit level": "Level" is the value given when the defined criteria is met. The range is from 4 points to 1 point.  To receive 4 points the cookie must have: chips in every bite, if there are too few,  the baker receives 1 point.
  • "+Add level" adds more values.  By default there are only three.  Our example will use 4.
  • "+Add criterion" -  Add as many criterion as needed.  Having criterion for each element assessed gives you and students a clear picture of what the expectations are.  Providing the rubric prior to assignment submission allows students to self-evaluate their work, refining each element to meet the criteria.

  • Criterion can be re-positioned using the up and down arrows or deleted using the "X".
  • Criterion can be copy and pasted onto a new line and then modified as necessary using the double page icon.

Note:  If you cannot see the entire rubric, close the navigation drawer (three lines, top left corner.)

Rubric Options

  1. Select the desired rubric options.
  2. Select the saving option (see below).

  • "Save" finalizes the rubric. If the default options are kept, it will appear on the navigation block, directly beneath the assignment for student availability.
  • "Save as draft" allows you to keep working on the rubric.  Students will not see the rubric, so can it be used as a template.

Editing a Rubric

Using a rubric for marking as a guide is classified as "Advanced grading".  

  1. To edit the rubric, with the assignment open, go to ; using the drop-down arrow, under "Advanced grading", choose "Define rubric".

Note: access to submissions is also available here.

See Also:  Assignment - Rubric - What the Marker Sees, and Assignment - Rubric - What the Student Sees