Review Options & Display (Moodle Quiz)

In This Article:

Review Options

  1. These options control what information students see when they review a quiz attempt or look at the quiz reports.
    • During the attempt
    • Immediately after the attempt: means within four minutes of the attempt being finished.
    • Later, while the quiz is still open: means after the quiz has been completed and before the quiz close date.
    • After the quiz is closed: means after the quiz close date has passed. If the quiz does not have a close date, this state is never reached.

  2. Options within each section:
    1. The attempt: student's answer.  Also, if this option is not selected, then only Marks and Overall feedback are available as choices.
    2. Whether correct: Indicators show if the question is correct, partially correct or incorrect.  It can be text or the coloured highlighting.
    3. Marks: items that have received a grade.  If there are manually marked items, for example essay questions, the mark seen 'Immediately after the attempt' will not reflect marks earned for these questions
    4. Specific feedback - feedback relating to a specific question
    5. General feedback - feedback is what all students will see when reviewing the questions.  It is not dependent upon their answers.
    6. Right answer  - A better option might be to put the correct answer in the General Feedback
    7. Overall feedback - feedback based on their mark.  For example you can stipulate that any student achieving over 95%, sees the feedback "Excellent".


  1. Show the user's picture: No image
  2. Decimal places in grades: Default is 2 decimals however Moodle automatically calculates to 5 decimal places.
  3. Decimal places in question grades: Select from the option in the drop down menu or accept the default of "Same as for overall grades".

    Click "Show more" to display the Advanced options...
  4. Show blocks during quiz attempt - Default No. The 'blocks' are those that you have visible on your main content pages. (ie:  Quickmail, HTML, Latest News, etc., )