Student Accommodation (Moodle Quiz)

Student Accommodation (Moodle Quiz)

You may at some point need to accommodate a student that cannot write the quiz either in the time allotted or on the date specified.

To incorporate an accommodation into a quiz:

  1. Open the Quiz >Quiz administration>User Overrides
  2. Click 'Add user override'
  3. Select the name from the list.

  4. Adapt the following fields for this user's needs.

    Note:  It is not necessary to set the remaining options on this page unless they need to be different than what was set in the test itself. 

    1. If this student just needs more unspecified time to write the test, leave the "Time limit" fields empty.

    2. "Save" or "Save and enter another override"


      If you are entering a password, click on "Unmask" to ensure that you know exactly how the password is being recorded. If an invigilation service is being used, forward this password for this student to them.

  5. Click on "Revert to quiz defaults" to remove the override for the selected student(s). 

    Note: This setting must be applied to each quiz you create; it does not carry over from one quiz to another. Also, this override feature makes it possible to make a quiz available to a student earlier or later than the rest of the class. The quiz will remain off-limits to the rest of the class. 

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