IT Services Newsletter - December 2020

December 2020


Digital Footprint

What is a Digital Footprint?

Your digital footprint is all the stuff you leave behind as you use the Internet. Comments on social media, Skype calls, app use and email records- it's part of your online history and can potentially be seen by other people, or tracked in a database.

Examples of Digital Footprints

  • Your search history.
  • Text messages, including deleted messages.
  • Photos and videos, including deleted ones.
  • Tagged photos, even those you never wanted online.
  • Likes/loves on sites like Facebook and Instagram.
  • Browsing history, even when you are on 'Incognito' mode.

Why is a digital footprint important?

It is important to be aware of it because anything posted online is permanent and stays there forever regardless of being deleted.  Your digital footprint builds your online reputation, or impression depending on the things you do online. It may be used against you by malicious hackers or to determine your online habits and passwords.

5 Ways to Clean Up Your Digital Footprint

  1. Audit your accounts. Do an audit of the accounts or profiles that you have created online.
  2. Delete and deactivate. Try to find your old accounts, delete information and deactivate the accounts.
  3. Do a Google search of yourself (name or nickname).
  4. Manage your privacy settings.
  5. Curate your online presence.

Good Password Hygiene Reminder:

  • Don't recycle your passwords. Try to create a new, unique passwords for each service. For example: don't use Canada1 and change to Canada2.
  • Use your Selkirk College email for work purposes only.
  • Don't use your Selkirk College network password for personal services such as LinkedIn or Facebook.
    Longer passwords are better.
  • Don't make passwords too difficult to remember. Example: (Easy) Gar9field or jelly22fi$h - (Difficult) G@ar(9)fie!d or Je^!ly22f!$h

IT Employee Spotlight - December

Meet Harley Palmer - IT Services, Technical Analyst

What has been your favorite project at Selkirk?
Clean energy like Solar panels and carpooling.

What’s the coolest thing you’re working on right now?
Creating the brand new Windows 10 20H2 image for all staff and students to use.

What do you like best about your job?
Helping staff and students feel more comfortable with technology by resolving their IT issues so that they can continue on with their day.

What is a typical day on the job?
Making people smile by helping them with their IT issues.

What do you like to do when you’re not at work?
Play with my daughter, Rory.

Upcoming Training

(blue star) Stay Tuned for IT Lunch and Learn opportunities in January 2021 (blue star)

Check for upcoming dates, times and topics.

Moodle Training in December

Gradebook - Monday, December 14th at 10:00 AM

Discussion Forums and Communication - Tuesday, December 15th at 10:00 AM

Video (Kaltura) - Wednesday, December 16th at 1:00 PM

Moodle Workshops (student peer review) - Thursday, December 17th at 1:00 PM

Moodle Basics - Monday, December 21st at 10:00 AM

Quiz Session - Tuesday, December 22nd at 1:00 PM

Assignments - Wednesday, December 23rd at 1:00 PM

For more information, please check out Moodle Training Schedule here or contact

Reminder: Don't forget to submit your course requests for Winter 2021 before you leave for the Winter closure. 

Thanks for reading! Stay safe, stay healthy.