Reviewing An Employee's Historical Timesheet Submissions - Supervisor (Unit4)

Reviewing An Employee's Historical Timesheet Submissions - Supervisor (Unit4)

The following steps outline supervisor instructions to call up a historical timesheet submission in Unit4.

Finding an employee's timesheet details for a prior period

Once an employee's timesheet has been processed, the hours are reportable through reporting on prior periods.

  1. Navigate to the report, "My Employee's Timesheet Submissions". In the main menu, scroll to the Reports tab > Global Reports > Manager Reports > HR > My Employee's Timesheet Submissions.  Click to open the report. 

  2.  In the Period like box, enter the payroll period you wish to query. The format should be YYYYPP (e.g.202122), where YYYY equals the calendar year and PP equals pay period. For reference on the payroll periods, refer to the calendars here: Pay Periods and Submission Deadlines

  3. Click Search.
  4. Your report will look like this:

**Note: Future development of this report will include the breakout of hours in the far right column to include a description of time code and hours per time code (i.e. Reg Hours = 7.0; Vacation Hours = 7.0). 

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