Settings (Moodle Quiz)

In This Article:


IMPORTANT: Recommended browser for exams is FireFox (for PC and MAC users).  Safari is not supported.

The quiz module allows creation of True/False, multiple choice, matching and other quiz question types.  The random selection option draws questions from a separate category of questions thereby offering a slightly different set of questions each time the quiz is accessed.

The settings allow:

  • multiple attempts (automatic marking)
  • providing feedback (strongly recommended)
  • providing general feedback
  • student review options
  • setting time limits
  • password protection
  • secure windows (well - nothing is 100% secure on the Internet)
  • designating which category to automatically enter the grade into
  • shuffling of questions

Detailed analysis and review of quiz statistics is also available.

Quiz Settings

There are three parts to creating a quiz:

  1. Settings that determine how the test is delivered, attempts, responses, etc.
  2. Creating the test bank of questions
  3. Compiling the quiz

Getting Started

  1. Turn Editing on
  2. Select the topic or week for the quiz
  3. +Add an activity or resource
  4. Choose: Quiz
  5. Add


  1. Name (a required field) - i.e. Unit 1 Terminology
  2. Description:  instructions for students
  3. Click on the Toolbar Toggle  to expand it.
  4. Click 'Expand all' to see all the settings available.
  5. Timing:

  1. Open the Quiz: The first date and time (using the 24-hour clock) when the quiz will be available to students.
  2. Close the Quiz: When the date and time has expired, students can no longer start the quiz (see "#6 - Recommended" below.)
  3. These options are enabled by placing a check mark in the box.
  4. Time Limit: If there is a time limit on the quiz, set the time by placing a check mark in the 'enable' box and also remind students of the time limit. If the time expires while a student is writing the quiz, the quiz will close automatically.
  5. When time expires: These settings determine what happens when the time runs out and the student has not submitted their answers and has logged out. 
  6. Recommended:  Open Attempts are submitted automatically. 
  7. Grace Period: If you select "...there is a grace period..." then set the time period in the next field.
    • Submission grace period. Check the 'enable' field to enter the grace period.

Recommendation:  Set the "Close" time to 1/2 hour more than the "Time Limit".  This will provides a cushion in the event to log in problems or other computer problems.  This would not be necessary if the test is open for several days with multiple attempts.


  • Grade Category:  If you have set up the gradebook, select the grade category to put this item into, if not accept the default.
  • Grade to Pass: mark will be  highlighted in the gradebook - red means they did not meet the passing grade set, green means the student met the criteria.
  • Attempts Allowed:  set if appropriate.  Normally this would be 1 attempt.
  • Grading Method:  if more than one attempt is allowed, choose the grading method.  Choices are:  Highest grade, Average grade, First attempt, Last attempt.