FAQs and Understanding Timekeepers (for Timekeepers)
Darrin Markvardsen
This document is applicable to all employees who are Timekeepers, able to submit time on behalf of others.
As a Timekeeper, you are able to submit timesheets on behalf of others in the "Timesheets - standard" menu item. However, it is not a direct connection from Employee to Timekeeper. Instead, it is an indirect connection based on Work Orders.
Instead of thinking "I am a Timekeeper for <people>", change the thought to "I am a Timekeeper for <Work Orders>, which have any changing number of <people>"
How does it work?
- Bob is an employee
- Bob has an employment record as a Maintenance Technician
- Bob's Maintenance Technician employment record has a connected Work Order of "Maintenance Crew Castlegar"
- The Work Order "Maintenance Crew Castlegar" has a connected Timekeeper Group of "MAINTENANCE"
- The Timekeeper Group "MAINTENANCE" is connected to employee Steve
Through this indirect connection, Steve is able to enter time on behalf of Bob. This is because Steve is a Timekeeper for "Maintenance Crew Castlegar" which happens to include Bob, not because Steve is a Timekeeper for Bob directly.
More than 1 person can be connected to a Timekeeper Group as Timekeepers. Timekeeper Groups can be connected to any number of Work Orders, and more than one Timekeeper Group can be connected to a single Work Order.
Why was it set up this way?
Assigning Timekeepers indirectly means less ongoing maintenance in the system. If someone is newly hired to the college and their contract/employment-record has a workorder where you are already the Timekeeper, then you will be able to enter time on behalf of the new employee without any new IT ticket required.
A minor downside to this setup is that you as a Timekeeper may see people for whom you would not normally enter time, such as salaried Managers/Instructors/Faculty.
How are Timekeepers different from Approvers?
Being a Timekeeper is completely separated from the approval workflow. If you are both a Timekeeper for someone and would normally approve their time, you will still receive a workflow task to approve time you have just submitted.
Reports for Timekeepers
A number of reports have been published to help Timekeepers
My Work Orders (Timekeeper)
Shows all Timekeeper Groups and Work Orders where you are a Timekeeper. If you expect to be able to enter time on behalf of someone but are unable to do so, it is likely because they have a connected Work Order that is not in this list.
My Employees by Work Order (Timekeeper)
Shows all employees you are able to enter time on their behalf, and the employment, Work Order, and Timekeeper Group connections that allow you to enter time on their behalf.
My Employees Vacation Balances (Timekeeper)
Shows all employees you are able to enter time on their behalf, and the various leave balances for those employees (sick/vacation/etc).
My Employees Timesheets (Timekeeper)
Shows all employees you are able to enter time on their behalf, and the total approved time for a selected period.
My Employees Timesheet Details (Timekeeper)
A variation of "My Employees Timesheets" that includes a breakdown of hours by Time Code (REGHOURS/STAT/etc) and the sum for the period for each employee. It also shows the status of a submission in workflow.
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