PCARD - from Web

Reconciliation Options

Purchasing Card Holders have the option to reconcile their BMO Purchase Card Statements on the Web or on Unit4's new expense mobile application on their phone.  The biggest difference between the two options is the ability to take photos and attach receipts using your phone on the mobile application.  

From the Web - PCARD users that upload their BMO reconciliations from the web, will import all transactions into their BMO Purchase Card Expense.  Receipts will be attached (as you would with regular expenses), with work orders and GST being updated on the expense lines.  

From the Mobile App - PCARD users that upload their BMO reconciliations from the mobile app will have the option to take photos of their receipts and attach to their expense lines.  These expense lines will then upload into Unit4 with the receipts attached.  BMO reconciliations will need to be completed on the web and sent for approval.  For more information refer to PCARD - from Mobile App

NOTE: The mobile app is optional and not mandatory to use to upload your BMO reconciliations.  

  1. Navigate to Unit4 on web browser
  2. Navigate to My Employment → Expenses → BMO Purchase Card Expenses.


3. Your purchase card expense screen will appear.  It will default to your name and todays date.

Ensure you fill out the purpose and the work order.  The purpose will always be "PCARDyearmonth".  For example, the September PCARD purpose will be "PCARD21SEP"  Note: the work order you choose in the top of this section will apply to all the transactions after you import.  

image2021-10-12_8-58-29.pngDodd, Gregc

4. To import your PCARD expenses, navigate to the expense transaction section and click show transactions.  This will bring up your PCARD transactions for the month.  

Click on the 'Date' column header to sort chronologically, then click on the 'select all' checkbox, and finally click 'Import to travel expense' to bring them into your expense submission.


Unlike regular expenses, where you can enter a description for each expense line item, the PCARD transactions must keep the description that has been uploaded by Finance.  This is critical for the workflow and for audit purposes.  Please do not override or change the description in the mobile app!  It's crucial that it remains in the following format:



PCARD 202207|0362 10/05/2021 - MM - Amzn Mktp Ca Bw25f9z93

5. Once your transactions are imported, you can enter the GST for each expense 

To update the GST for each line, click the arrow on the right hand side of the expense.  Enter any GST or PST that appears on your receipt 

6. Ensure you change the expense type on your expense line from the dropdown depending on the expense.  All expenses will import as Supplies.  Choose the category from the dropdown that best describes the expense.

7. If an expense needs to have a split work order distribution, the employee will need to click on the line that needs to have a different work order. At the bottom of the screen there is a button that says cost distribution.  The employee will use this button to split the costs to different work orders using percentages.  See PCARD - Cost Distribution for further instructions. 

*** update screenshot 

8. Each expense transaction line will also require a receipt.  To upload a receipt, navigate to the receipt section of the expense entry on the top right hand side of the screen.  Click upload receipts and upload all receipts for your PCARD statement.  These will need to be matched individually to each expense line (the same process as adding receipts for regular expenses). 

9. If more information is required, click on the Add Information box at the bottom of the screen.  This will allow you to add extra notes for the AP Clerk and Work Order Manager.  

10. Once all receipts, GST and work orders have been entered, your PCARD statement is ready to send for approval.


11.  Once your PCARD is sent for approval, the Accounts Payable clerk will review.  If there is something missing, it will be sent back to the employee for review and to re-submit.  If the Accounts Payable clerk approves the statement it will send to the supervisor for approval.  If your PCARD Statement total does not match the statement total that was imported, it will be sent back to the employee to review and make changes.