Printing Frequently Asked Questions

Printing Frequently Asked Questions


Defective printer?

Please contact Ricoh support directly for Ricoh printer repair / maintenance for any defects related to broken paper trays, defective printer displays.

You will need the Ricoh support phone number and the printer serial number (both are published on the printer) to submit a service call.

Where can I obtain Ricoh printer toner cartridges and paper?

Castlegar campus - Milena Habrych, Purchasing 12:00 PM - 04:00 PM PST

10th Street campus - Lonnie Saliken, Front desk

KSA campus - Erin Potulicki, Front desk

Silverking campus - Therese Pereverzoff, Front desk

Grand forks campus - Helen Worth

Nakusp campus - Marilyn Rivers 

Kaslo campus - Marilyn Rivers 

Trail campus - Kerry Young or Nella Mitchell, Front desk

Which Ricoh printer toner cartridge or staple do I need?

Please provide the model of Ricoh Printer e.g. MP C501, MP C401, SP 4520DN and the colour of toner required.

Each toner also has a unique identifier as shown below.

The model of printer is labelled clearly on the device e.g. Ricoh MP 501.

              Please choose your location to find which toner is needed for you printer.

How do I obtain more staples?

Please submit a ticket to IT to order additional staples for your printer and provide the model of printer or staple required in the ticket.

How do I find instructions on installing toner?

Each Ricoh printer with interactive display features detailed instructions on replacing the toner.

What to do with used toner?

Staff and faculty can either:

  1. Return the toner directly to Ricoh via the Ricoh Toner Recycling website.
    1. Complete the required details.
    2. A prepaid shipping label is generated which needs to be printed and attached to the new toner cartridge packaging.
    3. Call Purolator to schedule a pickup of your empty toner cartridges in the packaging.
  2. Return the used toner to the campus front desk at extension centres including Grand Forks, Nakusp, Kaslo).
  3. Return the used toner to IT Services in Castlegar using inter-campus mail (Please contact the front desk for instructions).

Are toner cartridges hazardous?

No, if instructions are followed, Ricoh toner cartridges are not hazardous.

Ricoh maintains a full list of safety documentation at the Ricoh Safety Data Sheet website.

Do you supply toner for other printers (HP, Canon,etc)?

No, only toner and staples for Ricoh printers are supplied.

Toner for HP, Canon printers must be obtained separately by departments through your standard procurement process.

What is the Find Me print queue?

Find Me allows you to hold a print job in the queue until you sign into a printer and release the print job.

This allows for secure printing in shared spaces.

Staff should, by default, always print to the Find Me queue unless the printer is located in a private office.

The Find Me queue is available on all College staff and lab computers when printing documents.

Where can I find printers that support Find Me queue?

Any printers equipped with an interactive display and barcode reader will allow print release from the Find Me queue after you've logged into the printer.

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